Abschließendes Status-Update vom Halo-Kundenservice:
"Thank you for your patience, I'm writing to follow-up on your missing Halo Beauty order. We have been working with our International shipping representatives at DHL to determine why you have not received your packages and it appears that
German Customs mistakenly classified it as medicine and destroyed it. Rest assured you are not alone in this, as the same thing happened to a couple dozen more customers in Germany. It appears that the problem is isolated to just your region, so we suspect that it's a misunderstanding of a local customs agent or office, so until we get further clarification, we suggest that you wait to try to reorder until the problem is resolved. Once resolved, we will make an announcement on Twitter.
Please accept our sincerest apologies, I'm sorry that we could not achieve a better outcome at this time."

Meine wertvollen Booster!! Einfach so vernichtet!!
Kein Wunder hat kein US-Shop mehr Bock auf D - der reinste Machtmissbrauch!
Aber den Halo Kundenservice muss ich ganz arg loben - von Anfang an regelmäßige Status-Updates und jetzt direkt das Geld zurück überwiesen. Vorbildlich!