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  1. #1

    hello everybody

    hello all i am back in berlin

    my time in holland was good and fun
    i went to lots of coffe shops etc

    and my love life well i don't want to say too much but i think things are going well
    we have spoken to each other -kind words were said and nice feelings were shared
    but then it could be my fantacy,but i don't care even if it hurt to get my hopes up
    it shows that i care and able too love

    i have a question?
    do u think it is possible that ,when some one loves someone or even cares about this person
    they would not give them false hope's-no i don't think my love would do this to me
    ,i am just so scared that its not going to work out ,so i guess i find my own problems
    well tonight we meet at 9:00 and then i will be either the happiest person on this earth or very well heart broken and sad

    so please if you can give me some words of support

    p.s this will be the last in english the rest in my 'perfect ' german

  2. #2
    Frostbeule Avatar von BIG.S
    Registriert seit

    Re: hello everybody

    hi forgivness
    my english is bad but for your love I wish you the best!
    Don't think about problems too much - cause it's not good.
    I hope for you, that your friend is honest - and that he will not give you fals hope!
    have a lot of fun here in Germany and in Beautyjunkies too!
    hope you'll understand my "english"
    see you

    Ich bin nicht weg, nur auf der anderen Seite des Weges!
    Viele, viele bunte...

  3. #3

    Re: hello everybody

    ja ich kan verstehn
    und danke für die nett worten

    as u can see my german is 'good' or?

  4. #4
    Registriert seit
    NRW / Raum Köln
    Meine Laune...
    In Love

    Re: hello everybody

    Hi forgivness,

    welcome back - nice to have you here again
    Just try - i know that is not as easy done as said - to be positive: think pink!
    I think it's senseless to expect the worst so try to looking forward to meet your love tonight and make the best of it!

    Good luck and all the best!

    But remember: there is never forever - only the moment!

  5. #5

    Re: hello everybody

    nice to see that someone reads my words

    i know its not easy to be positive but thats all i have left now
    anyway i will be going there thinking of lots of pink,
    i also thought what if i take of all my clothes and through my self on him would he take me back?

    -just a joke-

    o well we will see how it works out tonight
    and i will tell you all how it went

  6. #6

    Re: hello everybody

    forgivness schrieb:
    hello all i am back in berlin

    my time in holland was good and fun
    i went to lots of coffe shops etc


    and my love life well i don't want to say too much but i think things are going well
    we have spoken to each other -kind words were said and nice feelings were shared
    but then it could be my fantacy,but i don't care even if it hurt to get my hopes up
    it shows that i care and able too love
    Ich war die ganze Nacht fast hier bei deinen Texten und konnte Dich auch sehen. Doch diese blöden Maschienen geben nicht gerade die verständlichsten Übersetzungen, so das ich mir nicht sicher sein konnte, alles richtig zu verstehen
    Hätte Dir sonst schon wirklich gerne etwas dazu geschrieben.

    i have a question?
    do u think it is possible that ,when some one loves someone or even cares about this person
    they would not give them false hope's-no i don't think my love would do this to me
    ,i am just so scared that its not going to work out ,so i guess i find my own problems
    well tonight we meet at 9:00 and then i will be either the happiest person on this earth or very well heart broken and sad

    so please if you can give me some words of support
    Sicher kann man aus nicht viel, gar nichts machen. Du kannst immer schön alles planen.
    dann ist kein Moment schön doch alles prima nach Plan.
    Warum ist da so ein Druck hinter? Habt ihr keine Zeit die Momente zu genießen? Wie auch immer es weiter geht?? Tempos bitte, so geht es mir schon lange.
    Bitte nicht so viel denken, wie ich es tat. Man soll nicht denken dabei


    p.s this will be the last in english the rest in my 'perfect ' german



    [ Geändert von wenighaar am 21.09.2005 22:10 ]

  7. #7

    Re: hello everybody

    forgivness schrieb:
    nice to see that someone reads my words

    i know its not easy to be positive but thats all i have left now
    anyway i will be going there thinking of lots of pink,
    i also thought what if i take of all my clothes and through my self on him would he take me back?

    -just a joke-


    o well we will see how it works out tonight
    and i will tell you all how it went

  8. #8

    Re: hello everybody

    o well we will see how it works out tonight
    and i will tell you all how it went

    wie ist die Entwicklung?



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