hello all i am back in berlin
my time in holland was good and fun
i went to lots of coffe shops etc
and my love life well i don't want to say too much but i think things are going well
we have spoken to each other -kind words were said and nice feelings were shared
but then it could be my fantacy,but i don't care even if it hurt to get my hopes up
it shows that i care and able too love
i have a question?
do u think it is possible that ,when some one loves someone or even cares about this person
they would not give them false hope's-no i don't think my love would do this to me
,i am just so scared that its not going to work out ,so i guess i find my own problems
well tonight we meet at 9:00 and then i will be either the happiest person on this earth or very well heart broken and sad
so please if you can give me some words of support
p.s this will be the last in english the rest in my 'perfect ' german