God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Dufte Düfte im Seski
chanel "fire":
Catrice Looking Greyt
OPI Sapphire in the Snow
+ Merry Midnight
Zoya - Karina
... und hier mit einer Schicht China Glaze - Cleopatra darüber:
Seeing, contrary to popular wisdom, isn't believing. It's where belief stops, because it isn't needed any more.
(Terry Pratchett - Pyramids)
China Glaze Frosty
OPI Let Me Entertain You
Halogenlicht gestern Abend:
"Fürs Älterwerden darf man kein Feigling sein" (Bette Davis)
TB - Chump and Clump - HOME - panta rei
China Glaze OMG mit Blitz
Essie Going Incognito
1 Schicht p2 Snow White über 2 Schichten China Glaze Little Drummer Boy
Ein Leben ohne Katzen ist möglich, aber sinnlos.
Rival de Loop young - Glamour Pink (Glamout Queen LE)
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Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Uploaded with ImageShack.us
OPI DS Glamour
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Uploaded with ImageShack.us
Flormar 39, 2 Schichten, Tageslicht.
Essie - Smokin' Hot
Naine und die Schminke - Mein Blog
MAC "concubine":
Meine Manis in letzter Zeit
Essie- In Stitches
China Glaze - Lubu Heels
Models Own -Purple Ash
Alessandro - Fun House
meine gesammelten manis der woche:
1 coat p2 calcium-gel
2 coat beautyful nails zf
dto. + 1 coat inm northern lights silber
dto. + 1 coat p2 crackling tc silver blast
+ 1 coat inm northern lights silber
1 coat p2 cacium-gel
3 coat essence multi dimension 3in1 020 snow white
dto. + 1 dünner coat professional nails pure holographics
dto. + 1 coat northern lights silver
OPI "visions of sugarplum":
orly "space cadet":
Illamasqua Velocity
unter anderem: essence Metal Babe, ChG Visit me in Prism, Mixed Glitter Topcoat a.d. essence Nail Art Reihe
Inspiriert von : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uo7xnEzf8a0
(> <)![]()
MaxFactor Nailfinity ,882 Angel Nails
Terribly Happy
CND Shellac Romantique + Sticker von Color Club
sephora by OPI "havana dreams":
Ali's Big Break
Look Nail Quickie nr. 12 fluffy
LG Essencia. Ein-und Ausblicke! Schau rein
CG Adore mit Essie Matte
Anna Sui 011 über CG OMG
Mein gefrankter Nude-Lack, ich nenn ihn mal "The perfect peach"